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Hunt brochures and updated info are now available at Tennessee and Cross
Creeks National Wildlife Refuge offices, kiosks and area sporting goods
stores. TNWR provides hunting opportunities on all three of its units for
white-tailed deer, raccoon, wild turkey, squirrel and resident Canada
Goose. Cross Creeks provides hunts for all the above species except
Hunt brochures have been distributed to sporting goods shops, refuge
information kiosks, and have been sent via mail to those hunters that
applied for the draw last year. Refuge hunt brochures may be picked up at
the Tennessee refuge headquarters at 3006 Dinkins Lane, Paris, TN 38242,
at the Cross Creeks refuge headquarters at 643 Wildlife Road, Dover, TN
37058, or sent to you by mail by calling 731-642-2091 and leaving your
name and address.
All the popular refuge hunts will be continued this year, however as with
most years, there are several changes to the refuge hunt program. A new
non-quota antlerless hunt that was added last year to the roster of
Tennessee NWR white tail deer hunts has increased in length to ten days.
For this hunt, the bag limit will remain three antlerless deer, with all
deer taken considered bonus deer.
Deer hunters again have the availability to apply for quota hunts online
at the website for Tennessee and Cross Creeks NWR at http://www.fws.gov/TennesseeRefuge
or http://www.fws.gov/CrossCreeks respectively. There is no application
fee for applying for refuge quota hunts. Online applications will be the
quickest and easiest way for hunters to apply for refuge quota hunts.
Hunters applying online will receive an immediate confirmation number of
their application by e-mail.
Quota hunts will now be conducted by a weighted draw giving hunters that
were not drawn last year one preference point in this year’s draw. The
preference points will be banked on the hunter’s name; therefore to
receive these points, it is essential that hunters apply using the same
exact name as last year. New hunters are encouraged to use their official
driver’s license name when applying.
Hunters can also download a quota hunt application form at refuge
websites. Paper applications must be received, not postmarked by August 1,
2011. Please mail completed applications to Tennessee NWR, c/o Kinsail
Corporation, P.O. Box 7087, Arlington, VA 22207. Be sure to clearly and
accurately complete all the information on the application form as
incomplete or illegible applications will be discarded. Online
applications are strongly encouraged to ensure that applications are
received in a timely and complete manner.
Up to five hunters may apply as a hunt party. If you are applying online,
you will be able to enter the other members of your group during the
online application process. You will only need to enter your hunt
once during the process, but you will need the name and address
information for the other hunters in your group. Any online applications
that are received separately will be treated as separate groups.
If you are applying by paper application form, you will need to complete a
separate application form for each
hunter in your group and submit them all together to the address listed
above. Only complete the hunt selections on one application. Any paper
applications that are received separately will be treated as separate
A drawing will be conducted by August 6th with hunters receiving
notifications by on that day by e-mail if they applied online, or by mail
if they sent a paper application. For those hunters drawn for the quota
hunts there are no additional quota hunt permit fees.
Refuge turkey hunters will note that the spring turkey bag limits have
changed from one bearded turkey to state bag limits apply, Raccoon hunters
on Tennessee NWR will be pleased to note that several new raccoon hunts
have been added to the calendar totaling 31 days of raccoon hunts.
All quota and non-quota hunters, age 16 and older, must purchase a Refuge
Annual Hunting Permit. The permit fee this year increased for the first
time in many years to $15.00. This permit allows you to hunt on both Cross
Creeks and Tennessee NWR. Once again hunters can purchase these permits
through TWRA licensing agents at sporting goods shops. To purchase a
permit through a licensing agent, it might be helpful to know the permit
code of “064” for a TNWR/Cross Creeks permit. Youth hunters under the age
of 16 do not need an Annual Hunting Permit, however the adult supervising
them during the hunt is required to have one. Again this year the Refuge
Annual Hunting Permit is good for hunting on both Tennessee and Cross
Creeks National Wildlife Refuge