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Kentucky Lake Information
and History
Kentucky Lake is a major navigable reservoir along the Tennessee
River in Kentucky and Tennessee. Created in 1944 by the Tennessee Valley
Authority's impounding of the Tennessee River by Kentucky Dam, The
160,309-acre lake is the largest artificial lake by surface area in the
United States east of the Mississippi River.
Kentucky Lake is on the west side of Land Between The Lakes National
Recreation Area. It provides a source for hydro-electric power and is a
recreational magnet in western Kentucky and Tennessee.
The lake holds records for the largest of three species of fish
white bass 5lb., Buffalo carp 55lb., and yellow perch 1 lb.4 oz. It is
also the major attraction for three state parks: Kentucky Dam Village State
Resort Park to the north and Kenlake State Resort Park to the west and
Paris Landing State Park to the south in Tennessee.
When Kentucky Lake was created during World War II, many farms,
homes, towns, roads, and railroads had to be relocated. Roads that were
affected include US 62, US 68, US 79, Kentucky 58, Kentucky 80, Kentucky
94, and several others. The currents of Kentucky Lake have now
wiped out most of the remnants of roads and foundations.
Although many homes were moved there still are many homes and buildings
below the surface. Many graves were moved, but in the first years
following the flooding of the area it was not uncommon for the water to
make its way below the lake floor and loosen a lost or forgotten casket
and cause it to float to the surface. Maps are readily available for
people to use a guide to dive to see old homes and grave sites.
Many of the old roads are still used with just a small fence stopping
traffic from driving into the lake. If a person stands at the end of the
road as it goes into the lake they can usually look across the lake and
see the road reappear and also used. Another use of many of the old
roads that go into the lake are pre-made public use boat launch ramps.