"A great guide and
hunting setup" -Tony Accerano, SPORTS AFIELD MAGAZINE
Steve McCadams offers a variety of
hunting setups to insure the best hunting opportunities no matter what the
birds prefer. His newly acquired bottomlands on the Obion River provide the
river bottom experience that West Tennessee is known for. His Kentucky Lake
blind gives the sportsman a feel of wide open Kentucky Lake hunting and is
located in the middle of the areas largest concentration of wintering
Steve's newest hunting area consists of flooded corn and
bean fields in the Obion River bottoms, a tributary to the Mississippi
River. Waterfowlers will have the option to hunt his private farm where a
series of levees and water control structures provide excellent hunting from
both pits and blinds.
The area provides a great opportunity
for waterfowl as they travel up and down West Tennssee's largest tributary
to the Mississippi. Literally thousands of ducks traved this corridor
between the Mississippi and Tennessee Rivers.
Each blind will accomodate at least six
hunters plus a guide. They are set up with huge decoy spreads of 500 plus
and are designed with individual shooting stalls for added room and
Comfort is taken into consideration
also. Heated blinds, plenty of seating in the rear of the blind and a good
hot meal are sure to make it even more special. The old days of going hungry
are long gone. How bout some good old southern style country ham, venison
tenderloin or Kentucky Lake crappie. You're guaranteed to get plenty to eat!
The guides furnish retrievers and the area is an
excellent place to see the benefits of a good dog at work. We prefer to use
our own dogs, as they are experienced and familiar with the layout of the
blind, dog ramps, etc....
Mallards are the most common but species such as
black duck, widgeon, gadwall, pintail, canvasback, redhead, teal and shovelers are taken. In addition to the puddle ducks several species of
divers are taken such as goldeneye, ringneck, blue bill and bufflehead in a
single day's hunt. The open water style hunts offer you a wide variety of
species and you get a chance to see birds work the decoys and respond to
calling techniques.
While they prefer to do the duck calling,
welcome additional calling for geese so bring along your goose calls. And,
they're willing to give tips and help you with your own duck or goose calling
while you're here.
Canada geese are the most common for us in this
portion of the Mississippi flyway.
Here you'll have the chance to bag both ducks
and geese on the same morning from the same blinds and pits!
This hunting area is located on
secondary waters off the Tennessee River (Kentucky Lake) where shallow
sandbars and islands surround a marsh. Centered in the hub of three Federal
Refuges and a series of state wildlife management areas, movement between
these zones makes for good hunting and waterfowl viewing, especially when
winter weather stimulates a migrational movement.
The Big Sandy unit of
the Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge, located less than a mile north,
winters 40,00 to 60,000 ducks and 15,000 to 20,000 geese. Good winter
weather will see these numbers double or triple! To the south is the Duck
River unit of the TNWR where 200,000-plus ducks and 60,000-plus geese
winter. To the east on Lake Barkley (Cumberland River) is Cross Creek
National Wildlife Refuge, which is a short flight for waterfowl trading back
and forth
between refuges. It holds 30,000 plus ducks and 15,000-plus geese. Then to
the west are state wildlife management areas such as Big Sandy and Gin Creek
where flooded timber and rowcrops are planted for wintering waterfowl.
Together these areas
record 500,000 ducks and 200,000 geese during peak winter counts. As you can
see, the hunting area being centrally located has the potential to offer
great waterfowl shooting and observation. The Tennessee River has long been
a route for major migrations of ducks and geese.
Rates for the 2001/2002 waterfowl hunting season will be $125 per
person per day with a 50% deposit required of the total hunt days
booked. A 21-day notice is required on cancellations or deposit is
void. Corporate rates available.
Phone# 731-642-0360
Steve McCadams
655 Anderson Dr.
Paris, Tennessee 38242