The Latest Crappie Action Pictures
From 2003
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Jack Mcgee from Nashville fish weighed 3lb. Caught in Big Sandy on minnow.
October 24th, 2003

Dave Hagin and Tim Tomlinson of St Louis fish were caught in big sandy casting on shallow steak beds.
April 14th, 2003

John Moore and Victor Parkins of Milan Tn. fish were caught in 10-15' water on red Big Head Jigs with orange/char and pink/char tipped with crappie nibbles
April 5th, 2003

Edward Sampson and James Mitchell of Chicago IL. Fish were caught in Big Sandy in 15-20' water using minows and Big Head Jigs.
April 23rd, 2003

These guys had two good days. Dave and Tim again. Fish were caught in Big Sandy.
April, 15th, 2003

Rob Gaddis of KY. Fish were caught in Big Sandy 10-15' deep. Using Big Head Jigs  with pink/char and white/char skirts.
April 12th, 2003

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