
November 2009
Ken I picked seven fish for a mount total inches 99.5 inches, not bad for
seven fish. Thanks for a trip of a lifetime. Terry and Garry from IL

October 2009
Tim and Mike from TN with some Kentucky Lake "SLABS" caught on
Big Head Jigs

June 2009
John Moore and John Butler from TN with a good summer time catch

October 2009
Jeff from IL and a Kentucky Lake "SLAB"

November 2009
Terry from IL having a good day on Kentucky

September 2009
Thanks for some great fishing, we will be back next year Richard, Jon, and
Kellyann from MI fish were caught on
Big Head Jigs

November 2009
Keith , Matt and Tom from IN with a good Kentucky Lake catch.

October 2009
Kevin and Jeff from IL had some "Crappie Action" on Kentucky Lake